Monday, October 31, 2011

Photoshoot for a giveaway

Evening Photoshoot is not that nice no? For me, it look so sad and gloomy. Anyways, tomorrow is another first of the month and decided to start it right by giving away a brand new peach/pink satchel just like this. 
OUTFIT: peach satchel, blue jeans, printed top, wedges(for brand check my lookbook)


  1. Great photos and love the salmon satchel bag!! :)

  2. hi ms noelle it is such an honor having you here in my blog, thank you so much. you made me so happy

  3. thanks for your comment!
    tha bag is so nice! I like the colour!
    Do you want to follow each other?
    Please let me know...
    Miss Starshiny
