- artsyfartsyava
- ashoetale
- breakmystyle
- denisekatipunera
- deathbyplatforms
- fashioneggplant
- journeyingjames
- kisty
- simonesfashioncloset
- somniumetvita
- thecapriciousclub
- the fashion bamboozle
- thepickiesteater
- theplumpinay
- thepoortraveler
- thirstythought
- voguelyvan
- wheninmanila
Foreign Loves
- karlascloset
- brownplatform
- Color Me Nana
- JennifHsieh
- kisforkani
- Late Afternoon
- life-in-travel
- Nany's Klozet
- ninistyle
- Mode Junkie
- monochromachic
- Sweetsonian
- The Clothes Horse
- thegoldendiamonds
- The Sartorialist
and many many more... will continue to update