Saturday, December 17, 2011

First Timer

If you are a follower of my twitter, you would know how depressing it is for me that i cannot win any giveaway that i am joining, its so frustrating, so i stop joining. The last time i joined is from Sarah of Ms.Eggplant's Chronicles  giveaway cause i really can't resist the what if. So, i stop checking who won. I Stop expecting anything from giveaway anymore. 

Then, a day after my birthday, i received an email....

At first, i still did not believe it, i thought it is just one of the spam mail telling you, you won a lotto you did not joined, But after reading it again and again, i remember i did joined this giveaway, and I won, then i start smiling , finally i won something

Then, I start searching for giveaways, cause this time i might won. So go send me a link of your giveaways. 

Actually, i already have a Starbucks Planner in cherry, But i will use this one, cause this will remind me, that i should not lose hope. So, to the owner/writer of, from the bottom of my heart, Thank You, you made impossible things possible. You really made me so happy :)


  1. Congrats! You;re so lucky. I also want a starbucks planner. Btw, i'm having a blogversary giveaway. ( :)

  2. Congrats, Apple! Join mine na rin, if you haven't yet:
